Midlife Mommas: A Girlfriends Approach to Life After Menopause
Looking for the unfiltered reality of midlife and menopause? Join Cam and Amelia as we uncover the truth about navigating this transformative stage and provide valuable insights to help you overcome common challenges like hot flashes, sleeplessness, brain fog, and that restless feeling. Together, we'll explore a wide range of topics, including relationships, cooking, hormone balance, exercise, and so much more. No stone is left unturned as we delve into every aspect that influences this incredible phase of life. Get ready to embrace midlife with us – the Midlife Mommas!
177 episodes
Cortisol, Stress, and Midlife: The HPA Axis Explained
00:00 Identify stress sources; triggers fight-or-flight response.03:28 Hypothalamus controls hormone release via chain.08:51 Meditation helps reduce brain fog, irritability.11:54 Use social networks and exercise with friend...
Listen to Your Body Talk: Biofeedback for Better Health
00:00 Thoughtful, progressive, medicated heavily; biofeedback forgotten.05:09 Biofeedback: assess experiences as awesome or awful.06:41 Individual experiences vary; personal compatibility is key.11:01 New job improves sleep...
Season 3
Episode 176
It's Over! Breaking up with sugar
In this episode, you'll hear: Name That Sugar: Ever wondered just how sneaky sugar can be? Cam and Amelia break down the many aliases sugar hides under. From sucrose to fructose, they cover it all and share why it’s impo...
When life gets tough: Finding your minimums
Let's face it; life gets tough for all of us, and sometimes in midlife, when our warrior-hormone estrogen has tanked, life can feel especially tough.Cam and Amelia have both experienced struggles: aging parents, business tra...
Part 3: How to Cardio Without Tanking Your Energy & Hormones
Cardio workouts were a part of life in the 1980's and 1990's. Why do our bodies respond differently to it in midlife?? That is a loaded question and one we tackle in this week's episode. So much changes in midlife! But we are here to arm you wi...
Part 2: Sneaky Stress: Eat less, exercise more is keeping you stuck in menopause
Are you a stress-eater? Do you eat less when you're stressed? We see both. In midlife, we have to be careful because we can control 2 things: cortisol response and insulin response. We grew up in an age where we 'ate less and exerc...
Part 1: Are you eating enough and running on fumes?
A common misstep for midlife women, especially in the current generation is undereating. Both Cam and Amelia have personal and professional contacts for whom this is true. We grew up in diet culture, so can you really blame us?<...
The push and pull of life: Finding balance in midlife
We all try to do it - find balance. Sometimes we may actually achieve it. In this episode of the Midlife Mommas, Cam and Amelia talk about the push and pull of life as it relates to masculine and feminine energy. You may have never thoug...
How far would you go for health and anti-aging in midlife?
This is a fun look at 'extremes' for anti-aging or general health and wellness. The concept of 'extreme' is different for everyone - what is extreme for one person may be an everyday occurrence for another.We hope that you listen to this ep...
What our pets taught us about living a healthier midlife
Few things in life bring you as much comfort as a snuggle with a pet. Whether you're a dog-lover, a cat-lover or a lover of all animals, this episode is for you.Cam and Amelia have both lost beloved pets in the past 4 months, and t...
Trading In Midlife Shame and Guilt for Emotional Freedom
We've heard for years from Brene Brown, "We desperately don't want to talk about shame, and we're not willing to talk about it. Yet, the only way to resolve shame is to talk about it." So we are.Join us for this truthful, ma...
Investments & Treasures: When our efforts match our midlife values
What do you value?Does how you spend your time reflect those values?Join Cam and Amelia as we take a honest look at what we value and how we demonstrate those values. We want you to be intentional about your life and y...
Season 3
Episode 166
Stronger at Midlife: The Essential Guide to Mental and Physical Strength for Women Over 45
00:00 Surviving midlife challenges and hormonal declines.05:19 Confront fear and anxiety with action and motion.07:18 Feelings are important, mindset needs work.12:50 Reluctant exercise believer sees benefits in muscle balancing.
Season 3
Episode 165
Adjusting Health Habits in Midlife: Black, White, & Grey Areas
In this episode, you'll hear: 1. Re-evaluating Food Choices: The hosts share their food choices and experiences, shedding light on the difficulty some people face in transitioning to healthier eating. Understanding the effects of...
Season 3
Episode 164
Trying Health Trends in Midlife: Hit or Misses?
In this episode, you'll hear: 1. Experiment of One: We believe in trying out different health trends and seeing if they work for us personally. It's all about finding what works for you in your midlife journey.2. Mindse...
Season 3
Episode 163
How family dynamics change in midlife: empty nests, marriages and divorces
00:00 Discussing challenges when kids bring in partners.06:12 Daughter and daughter-in-law were friends before marriage.09:48 In-laws visit North Carolina, holidays split.12:50 Stepfamily dynamics shift when older children resent.
Season 3
Episode 162
Finding power and purpose in perimenopause with Jessica Barac
Ladies! (and gents) This is a fabulous convo with Jessica. She covers so much more than perimenopause, so if you've already gone through the change, there is still a TON of wisdom in her words. Please join us.Jessica has hun...
Season 3
Episode 161
The hidden cost of stress in menopause
00:00 Similar symptoms in perimenopause and stress. Consider causes.06:13 Stress and caffeine contributed to high blood pressure.07:49 Addressing sleep disturbances through lifestyle adjustments and self-awareness.10:42 Physical sym...
Season 3
Episode 160
Motivation and Consistency: How to reach your goals in menopause
In this episode, you'll hear: 1. The Importance of Self-Awareness and Intuition: We delve into the concept of biofeedback and highlight the significance of listening to our bodies during recovery and training. Understanding our o...
Season 3
Episode 159
Self-Care for better physical, mental, and emotional health
What is Self Care? It's not just a buzzword. In today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with stimuli, we need a way to center & ground ourselves. We need to protect our energy. How we do this may ...
Season 3
Episode 158
Your Menopause Health and Wellness Journey: How & Where to Start
00:00 Ignorant eating habits changed during athletic career.03:41 Former athlete reflects on health challenges.08:16 Shifted from Weight Watchers to triathlon coaching.11:16 Evaluate sleep habits; consider lifestyle changes.13:3...
Season 3
Episode 157
The Four Agreements: How to use them for a more authentic midlife
In this episode, you'll hear: 1. The Impact of Cultural Influences: How generational and cultural influences shape our communication styles and mindset, and how we can break free from limiting beliefs.2. The Power of Doing ...
Season 3
Episode 156
Practical ways to break up with sugar in midlife
00:00 Sugar fueled industrialization, now pervasive in food industry.04:45 Sugar hijacks dopamine, creating pleasure-seeking response.07:16 Struggle with substance abuse leads to shame.11:09 Early Coca Cola marketing and medicinal c...
Season 3
Episode 155
Recognizing Menopause Symptoms: Your Body’s Signals for Midlife Health
Are you living on auto-pilot?Are you giving away your authority, your autonomy?We've talked for years about the awful - awesome test. This is just one way to tap into your intuition. It's a...
Season 3
Episode 154
Midlife and the Sandwich Generation: Caring for your kids and parents at the same time
In this episode, you'll hear: 1. Definition and Statistics of the Sandwich Generation: Listeners will gain an understanding of what the term "sandwich generation" means and the statistics associated with it, such as the number of...
Season 3
Episode 153