Midlife Mommas: A Girlfriends Approach to Life After Menopause
Looking for the unfiltered reality of midlife and menopause? Join Cam and Amelia as we uncover the truth about navigating this transformative stage and provide valuable insights to help you overcome common challenges like hot flashes, sleeplessness, brain fog, and that restless feeling. Together, we'll explore a wide range of topics, including relationships, cooking, hormone balance, exercise, and so much more. No stone is left unturned as we delve into every aspect that influences this incredible phase of life. Get ready to embrace midlife with us – the Midlife Mommas!
Podcasting since 2021 • 177 episodes
Midlife Mommas: A Girlfriends Approach to Life After Menopause
Latest Episodes
Cortisol, Stress, and Midlife: The HPA Axis Explained
00:00 Identify stress sources; triggers fight-or-flight response.03:28 Hypothalamus controls hormone release via chain.08:51 Meditation helps reduce brain fog, irritability.11:54 Use social networks and exercise with friend...
Listen to Your Body Talk: Biofeedback for Better Health
00:00 Thoughtful, progressive, medicated heavily; biofeedback forgotten.05:09 Biofeedback: assess experiences as awesome or awful.06:41 Individual experiences vary; personal compatibility is key.11:01 New job improves sleep...
Season 3
Episode 176
It's Over! Breaking up with sugar
In this episode, you'll hear: Name That Sugar: Ever wondered just how sneaky sugar can be? Cam and Amelia break down the many aliases sugar hides under. From sucrose to fructose, they cover it all and share why it’s impo...
When life gets tough: Finding your minimums
Let's face it; life gets tough for all of us, and sometimes in midlife, when our warrior-hormone estrogen has tanked, life can feel especially tough.Cam and Amelia have both experienced struggles: aging parents, business tra...
Part 3: How to Cardio Without Tanking Your Energy & Hormones
Cardio workouts were a part of life in the 1980's and 1990's. Why do our bodies respond differently to it in midlife?? That is a loaded question and one we tackle in this week's episode. So much changes in midlife! But we are here to arm you wi...