Midlife Mommas: A Girlfriends Approach to Life After Menopause

Your Fitness Guide: 2024 Menopause Makeover

Amelia & Cam Season 3 Episode 133

What are your fitness goals for 2024?
Want to learn how to QuickStart your fitness program?
You'll want to listen to this episode of the Midlife Mommas
Guess what? The exercise program of your 20's and 30's won't work in menopause. Your body is different; your hormones are different and your exercise needs are different. Don't operate under the insanity principle (doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome).
Here is a preview:

  • Less is more
  • Lift weights!
  • Shun diet culture
  • Exemplify the Be-Do-Have attitude

00:00 Process oriented individual acknowledges lack of vision.
05:36 Accidentally overtrained, got injured, learned valuable lesson.
07:46 Motivated woman dusts off bike for exercise.
10:40 Prioritizing self-care and flexibility for personal success.
13:30 Old ultra runner switches to walking exercise.
18:09 Lifting weights can prevent osteoporosis, important.
20:28 Rest on weekends boosts physical and mental well-being.
25:01 Enjoy exercise variety, especially friends' tennis games.
25:57 Walking more, rethinking exercise versus movement.
29:05 Find contact info in show description, talk next week.

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Be, do, have, or is it have, do, be? $1,000,000 question. Hi. I'm Kim, holistic health coach, mom to 2 humans and 4 pets. Hi. I'm Amelia, laboratory scientist by day and food scientist by night. Welcome to our show. Join us as we share our holistic Approach to life after 50. You can expect real life stories with a dash of humor and a ton of truth. If it happens in midlife, we're going to talk about it. So hit that subscribe button and follow along. We're the midlife . It is the $1,000,000 question, Cam. What are we talking about today that we have to decide these things? Well, we're talking about Fitness in 2024 and, like, how to get our mindset right so we can accomplish our fitness goals or and our health goals. That's we're talking about. That is awesome. Awesome. And I love the way this is structured because we're gonna talk to you today about your mindset. We had a wonderful conversation about mindset a couple of weeks To go with Amy Lang. If you haven't listened to that, please go back and listen to it because a lot of what we talk about in midlife has to do with framing your mind. So we're gonna talk about it with respect to fitness. And, you know, really, once you get that right, all the other things fall into place. And if poop hits the fan because it's gonna hit the fan. At least you have some strategy and you can reframe it and, like, learn more about yourself instead of going down the deep, dark Tornado tunnel of bad thoughts. Right. Exactly. Because once we're down there, it's really easy to keep beating ourself up and saying, you know, is this really worth it, and we don't wanna go there. So let's dive into it. Let's dive into this challenge. Yeah. So the challenge is most people focus on the outcome of the goal, The half part, if you will, rather than the process of achieving the goal. It's a journey. It's an adventure. And that process, You can learn a lot about yourself, like, what works and what doesn't work. Yeah. So enjoy the journey. Absolutely. And even back from my triathlon days, I'm Process oriented person anyway, and I know that about myself. I'm not visionary. I you know, in business or whatever, I I my hat's off to you, Cam, because I don't know that I could ever be an entrepreneur because I have no I don't have vision like that. So I'm process oriented anyway. But I think for For people that are really truly goal oriented and they look look in the direction of the that goal. This may be a challenge, but guess what? There's no do overs. We have this 1 life to live, so we have to enjoy the process. Or you're miserable all the time. So who wants that? Yeah. Exactly. And we're gonna actually start with, like, The wrong way, if you will, or the stuck way, or the closed mindset, or not growth mindset. We're gonna start there so you can identify it and see it in yourself because Gosh knows we've been there. So we're gonna start all. Oh, yeah. We're gonna start with the have, the do, and the be. So here's an example. Once I have this, whatever this is, maybe it's a weight on the scale or a lift, the, you know, amount of weight you're gonna lift, Then I'll do this, whatever you wanna do with your life, and then I'll be happy. So you're delaying your happiness until you can do that thing or have that thing. Yeah. Here's another one. If I had more motivation, then I would exercise and be healthier. So you're waiting tough one. Yeah. So you're waiting on motivation. We're and really what if you want if you wanna be healthier, you wanna be healthier, what do you need to do? You need to eat and exercise a certain way. Right? And then you're gonna have more motivation because you're gonna look in the mirror and you're gonna see something different and you're gonna have more energy and you're gonna feel amazing. That's your motivation. Absolutely. And here's my favorite one. Here's here's my favorite one, Cam. Once the scale says this way, I'll do the things I want to do in midlife and be happy. Oh, man. Oh my gosh. That's such a joy killer. And I, you know, I hear it. I I hear that not all the time, but I hear it from women who are really like, they've got this one, pair of jeans. And I don't know why it's always jeans. It always seems to be jeans. I've done it myself. It's like, I gotta get in these jeans. And until I do, I'm just, like, unhappy and, You know, I'm cranky all the time. That's so you're that's such a waste, like, why would you want it to do that? Yeah. Well, first, jeans are hard pants. Remember that. That's true. Hard pants. That's right. Hi, Danielle in Arizona. Those are your that's our term. Yeah. So 1. Okay. So, Okay. Let's go back to the story. Once you got into the jeans, were you happy? Did that make you happy? No. Exactly. And, you know, I've done it also, Honestly, with, if I get to a certain pay rate or if I can have this thing, whether it's a type of car or a whatever, It never ever works. It never works because you spend so much time trying to chase this thing. And then when you get there I gotta be honest, Cam, even when I did Ironman, it was that way. So Mhmm. The with the first one, I did I did it was truly euphoric for a while, But it does that sense of accomplishment actually does fade because you gotta keep living. You gotta keep doing things. So it it really is a tough mindset to break. But once you kinda come down off that, you're like, I can do things without achieving. Let's see. I'm I'm fumbling for words here. I can be happy without doing this thing or being this first, I guess, is the Yeah. That's what I'm saying. I had a similar experience with the CrossFit. Like, I accidentally qualified for the master's qualifier, like, accidentally, and then I went for it. And then I over exercise. And then I was injured. And my recovery, like because I was like, oh, this is amazing. Really, when I was just being an athlete and it just happened that I happen to qualify for this thing, but when I went after it with, like, guts, like and I just I'm gonna do this and I overtrain myself. So I understand what you're saying. Like, Instead of just being that person, being the athlete and enjoying the journey, I was trying to get to the destination, and it made me sick. So not a good idea. Yes. Definitely. And I've heard of that more than one time that in the process of trying to achieve this goal, You really do sacrifice a piece of yourself, which is sad. Yeah. So here's where we're gonna flip it. In order to reach yeah. Let's flip this stuff around. In order to be to reach your goals, you need to be that person that's gonna go do those things. So who do you need to be? What do you need to go do? And believe it or not, you're gonna have the things you're gonna have, but you start from the being part and you enjoy the process to getting to the have part. That's really good. So let's flip the weight thing. Mhmm. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, that's what you have. Mhmm. You will you want to be the person who is mindful of what they eat and the way that they prioritize things and that's the do part. So, yeah, the it is I think for me, I'd I'd do that now, but it took a little bit of time to kinda change those thought patterns. Yeah. So let's dive into the b part. So b is like, what do you need who do you need to be to reach your goals? Like, what are your identities? I like to think of values. Like, right now, being healthy is my thing. I need to be healthy. Right? And so what am I gonna do in order to be healthy? Am I going to eat a bag of chips on the sofa Or am I gonna come down to the gym and lift some weights? Like, those are my choices. Right? Right. And do you find yourself sometimes even when you don't You don't really believe the b part that you tell yourself that anyway. There's a part of this self talk that's like, I am this person. You kinda have to. I do. I have to keep telling myself that a little bit. Yeah. It happened this morning, and I came down and got on the exercise bike, which literally I had to dust off Because and I did it, like, this morning. Normally, when I'd sit on the couch and drink coffee before church, I came down here and wrote it for 20 minutes. It didn't Didn't kill me. Like, it was okay. I still brought my coffee down here, but it was like, I'm gonna be this person so that person would go downstairs and dust off bike can get on there for 20 minutes, and I did it. It was you know? That was the only time I could fit it in today. And so Yeah. I had a choice. Do I do it, like, earlier than normal or not at all? So I chose to do it. Yeah. And little things like that are A little is better than nothing at all. So I read that on Instagram. Actually, today, I forgot what there's a guy that I I've been following recently. I think he's a doctor. But anyway, it's talking about, you know and this kinda goes into choose your hard too, you know, but But the little bit is fine. Like, we don't have to go run 5 miles today to actually move our bodies. So just doing the doing that thing and I do love that. Yeah. So be that person. Who is that person? You know what you want. Who'd you know, be that person. Yeah. And, you know, I think sometimes writing that down is helpful too. If you're a person who journals, write it down and write it in the present tense. Mhmm. I Am this. And I think we've talked about this before, but I am this person. Not a I want to be, but I am this person. I I am healthy. I am fit. I am smart. I mean, whatever the thing is, just go ahead and own it right now. I mean, who's to say you're not that anyway? You're you get nobody gets to judge you. You judge yourself. So why not just say I am this? And that's the problem. We judge ourselves and we're so Stinking mean to ourselves. So yeah. Totally. And from the affirmation word, anytime you start a sentence with I am, that is very, very powerful, and I love the idea of writing that down. Yeah. So there you go. There's your be part. I love it. So let's talk a little bit about the do part. So if we have we have decided that we are this person, That we are a healthy person, then we then we think about what does a healthy person do. Absolutely. And so are those are our actions. You know? So What do I need to do in order for to be that person and you get to choose whatever you wanna be or excuse me, whatever you wanna do. Exactly. And, you know, if you're A person who doesn't have a regular exercise routine now and you want to be that person and you say, I am a person who is healthy And that means I exercise regularly. If I go out on for a walk, even if it's 10 minutes, 15 minutes, whatever, Doing that a few times a week is action. And I find, Cam, that action always makes me feel better no matter what it is. If I do something, I always feel better. I agree with you a 100%. And if you need to schedule it, schedule it. We were talking about that before we hit record. Do you have anything to add about being flexible? Yeah. Absolutely. Because I'm that person. Like, I know we have listeners and I have friends who say, if I don't plan ahead and I don't schedule it on my calendar. I won't do it. And if I'd actually do that, I have the opposite Problem. I beat myself up really bad if I don't get to it. So for me, it's a little bit of a looser thing, but that's where I think knowing yourself and knowing how you cope and What your bandwidth is? What your flexibility is? And honestly, Cam, like today, I feel great. Yesterday, I was super tired, and so there was a lot of things I didn't get done yesterday that I was able to get done today. So for me, flexibility is a little bit harder, and I need to be a little kinder to my Selfish. Yeah. Not over schedule because I tend to do that. Yeah. Also yeah. Overscheduling is no good, and I agree all of us should be kinder to ourselves. Like, your thoughts. Like, what are you saying to yourself? And would you say that to your friend? Probably not. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And then the half part is, like, you know, healthier. Like, what that's really my values. Like, I wanna be healthier. It's not a number on the scale. It's not a pair of jeans anymore. Maybe those were old goals, but that is not it. Like, when I get my blood test done, I want an a. Yeah. I hear you. I hear you. Yeah. So I love that. What do you want to Have or achieve the goals, you know, are the results of the process. Mhmm. And this is a process. Life itself is a process. And let's face it, as long as we're, you know, the end of the process is 6 feet under and I don't wanna be there. So, you know, it's always a process. So, you know, and I think that most people, if they can manage the mindset, once they've achieved that goal, they do feel good, but it's not an end all be all. It's not the end. And I think that's an important distinction. It's just a milestone as it were. Yeah. It's really about the process. You know? And then if you're wishing your whole midlife away trying to get in pair of jeans and then you're 6 feet under it. That is not good. No. Not good. We don't want that. No. Yeah. And the other thing about it, it does not have to be Perfect. Like, mishaps are gonna happen. You're gonna step off the path. That's life. We're human. Offer yourself grace. And with this model, it Offers you an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and I think that's beautiful. Like, I don't yeah. When you have new Understanding about what triggers you or what empowers you, that's amazing. Absolutely. So let's just Talk about like, now that we've talked about the mindset, let's just talk about if you have stepped off the path, if you're, new or returning from an exercise break because that can be really difficult. Yeah. And if you're just starting out and you're coming back from those places, maybe it's an injury, you know, getting to the walking part is so important. And All through my forties, Amelia, I never thought walking was important. Alright. Did you remember feeling that way? Oh, totally. I didn't even think I didn't even think it counted as exercise. And interestingly enough, about a month ago, maybe 3 weeks ago, I went to a new optometrist, and I knew this man from our community had been an ultra runner. I had no idea how old he was. I was guessing he was about my age, but he was like, don't haven't we met in running circles or whatever? And I was like, as a matter of fact, I think so. He is not running at all anymore. And I don't he didn't specify whether he had suffered an injury like a running ending or career ending Injury. He's like, you know, my wife and I just walk now. Mhmm. And it is a beautiful thing. It's moving your body. You get out in nature or at least I do. I don't because I don't have a treadmill. But, Yeah. I I didn't use to think of it as exercise, and now I look forward to it not just for the movement, but for the Experience of being outside, and it's great. It's wonderful. Yeah. And I really think it's also part of my stress management plan, which I think is a nonnegotiable. We talked about hydration, which is, you know, last week's podcast. So hydration is a nonnegotiable, sleep is nonnegotiable, and the stress management. So I would put walking in that bucket for myself For sure. Yeah. Absolutely. And there's a statistic about daily movement and metabolism. Can you tell us about that? Yeah. So there's about 30% of our metabolism that changes on a daily rate. So 10 10% of that is our food. So, like, we use calories to digest our food. So 10% is that. 15% is actually moving, like walking and doing low stress activities. So anytime you're just moving your body, standing at your desk or walking your dog, anything that's low stress would fall into the movement category, which is Called it non exercise activity thermogenesis. Fancy meat today. Is fancy. Fancy. I know. Usually, you're you're saying the fancy words. It's the largest part of our changeable daily metabolism. It's a really, really big deal, so taking a walk is, important. I do love that. And, you know, bonus, it keeps it keeps hunger well, you said stress, but keeps hunger at bay. So That's another thing I've noticed. If I'm moving like, for instance, this weekend, I did a little bit of light lighthouse cleaning just like vacuuming. I did clean my bathroom. And that it keep I wasn't even thinking about eating. Mhmm. And whereas if I'm not active, I've got food on my brain all Time. So it it is helpful to kinda keep my, my food thoughts a little bit more realistic. Well, sure. And and that's also Nodding to, like, cardio, if you've ever done the intense cardio, which I know you have, that definitely increases your hunger. This is not that kind of movement. This is just like moving your body through time, space, and gravity. It's you know, if you track your daily steps, it's that kind of thing. It's very low stress and low hunger, which is really a big deal. Yeah. It it totally is. But there's other things we can do to to as far as exercise. What what's the other the next thing that you recommend? Yeah. So once you're walking, the next thing is to get some weight training in. And so it doesn't have to be crazy. In fact, it's not crazy. It takes about 30 to 45 minutes depending on how much warm up and cool down you wanna do. And it's twice a week. And, the beautiful thing about this in particular, exercise counts as excuse me. It falls into the exercise bucket, which is about 5% of your daily calories, falls in the exercise bucket. Now I wanna talk about diet culture for a second because Did you grow up thinking that exercise was way more impactful than 5% of your metabolism? Oh my gosh. Yes. I mean, I literally would exercise so I could eat. Like, that was a complete thing for me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love strength training because it also influences your resting metabolic rate. So that's the 70% that's pretty much the same every day in, day out. And the more muscle you have on your body, the more, calories you burn. Muscle is expensive. We say to keep around. We gotta be intentional about it. So it's awesome because it builds into your future 70% resting metabolic rate, but also builds into today's 5% exercise rate. So it's kinda like a double whammy. Absolutely. And I know we've talked about this before because I think we've done whole episodes on strength training, Cam, But just give us a little peek at what that would look like. Like, do we do for the twice a week, do we divide it up? Do we do kinda total body? What would you recommend? Yeah. It's total body. So they'll be pushing and pulling in different planes, squatting and hinging like that. When I write a program, there's actually 6 movement patterns. So I'm making sure that you're getting all of those things in the course of a week. So, yeah, you wanna do enough reps to stress your muscles and out enough so that they grow in the recovery. That's that's important. You can't go in there. It is important. And, you know, my science y brain is going back to the fact that Lifting weights also also prevents osteoporosis or it helps your bone health. So I don't know if you anyone listening has a mom or an Onto a grandmother that has a very stooped posture or, has fallen and broken a hip. That generation of women were not big into weights. I mean, literally so the way my mom lifts weights is she put she has a push mower. So she mows her lawns with a push mower and so, you know, it's a pushing thing. But Uh-huh. And she does her own cleaning. But for those of us that are informed and willing to do it, it's definitely a way to keep our bone health, which I think is super important. Certainly don't want to Yep. To need a to to be laid up with a hip fracture or anything like that. Yeah. And then you can also add the blood sugar effect. So Sure. It definitely reduces your insulin your need for insulin. The more muscles you have, the more places you have to store your blood sugar. So There's just so many benefits, for your brain. I I could go on and on. So those are, like, the 2 things. Get moving and then get lifting weights. So those are their your 2 first steps. Absolutely. But, you know, rest does have have a role in this too. Is that right? Oh, yeah. In fact, we need more rest now that we're in midlife and menopause, and so Two full rest days between your strength days is, gives your body time to recover and actually let your muscles recover and grow. So that would be like a Monday excuse me, like a Monday Monday, Thursday Mhmm. Or, Tuesday, Friday. So, Like, Monday, Wednesday, Friday is like or Tuesday, Thursday, those are like old patterns, and those that that might not be enough rest for you now. So if If you're still doing Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday, you're like, why am I so exhausted? It might be that you need an extra day in between those. Exactly. And you know what, Cam, when we're as we're talking about rest, you know, when I was a triathlete, I termed rest as as the days that I didn't actually work out. Mhmm. But I have Found you know, my job isn't new anymore. I've been in it 2 years, but some weeks are very stressful. So, some some weeks rest for me, It's not just about not working out, but it's about some real quiet time, maybe more time on the couch. Like, and a lot of times that's Friday evening. Saturday is more of a a Sabbath day. I kinda take that day off. I actually do most of my cleaning on Sunday, But it I feel like such a huge difference. I mean, when I'm really fatigued, from a stressful work week, My workouts aren't as good and I'm just crabby. Like, I know my sleep quality seems to be good, but my body is tired. Yep. So spending time in a restful state, you may like to watch Netflix or you may wanna read. And I'm not advocating this for the whole weekend, but there may be, You know, a couple of hours or afternoon, and I found that to be super beneficial. And I I told myself when I first started that pattern, That's not you know, I need to be productive, but now I'm seeing the benefit of this restful pattern, on the weekend, and I love it. Yeah. Because because GoGoGo is not sustainable in any way, shape, or form, and we are not multitaskers anymore. We gotta put that down for sure. Yeah. And and I agree with you. You're actually doing, like, a deload. That's what we call it in the gym where you're not lifting as much, where you're taking you're giving your body a break, And so you've actually actually naturally done that. That's exactly what it's called. It's a deload. A deload. I'm gonna I'm gonna say I'm deal I'm a tell my husband I'm de loading now. That's a great term. But I mean, let's talk a little sorry. Go ahead. Well, I mean, that's the point of rest and recovery is so when you are in the gym, you're making the most for the minutes that you're in there, that you are using the best form that you can, and you Are lifting the heaviest weight you can. And if you are running on empty, those things are not gonna happen. You're more likely to get injured. You're not gonna be lifting as heavy. The The form's not gonna be dialed in. So giving yourself break and just doing this twice a week and then rest days in between will be beneficial. I I promise. And and if you are in that pattern like I have been at times in my life when I'm forced to rest, because years ago, I didn't hear listen to my body and I would get injured or get sick. I didn't suffer injury so much as illness. I would get a cold at the drop of a hat. It was crazy. But when I would get back to it, I was like, wow, why didn't I listen because I feel so much better? You know what I mean? Like, you you you really feel that quality There. Yeah. Pushing you know, stop the pushing. Stop. A 100%. And, I mean, let's let's also talk about Cardio because we've touched on that many times on the podcast, and I think we've probably got some listeners whose histories are akin to Hours that are really into that. But does cardio now have a place in our midlife? It does. Yeah. It does. I like to think of it as the salt and the The condiment, if you will. It does not need to be the main show. Diet culture told us it was the main show, and that's not true. It's really strength training and walking in my opinion. So I like to let the cardio be your fun. Like, if you love to play tennis or pickleball or, you know, something like that, let that be your fun. Like cardio. Just a dash. We don't wanna stress ourselves out too much. Yeah. Yeah. And I found that this summer, Cam. You know? It was not fun. I rode a lot of miles was with my husband and with my daughter there at the end of the summer, and I don't regret it, but I did see that it was taking a toll on me. So I gotta be honest. I might ride a bunch of miles next summer and just build up so that we can ride with her for pleasure. Mhmm. And I run with my husband. And to say run, it it's it's very slow, but it's not walking. We run once a week. And he really enjoys it and so do I. So that's our date. But it's no longer I mean, I used to run 3 times a week plus cycling and swimming when I was doing triathlon, I absolutely cannot imagine that anymore. When this summer when you're riding more, did you notice any side effects, if you will, from doing extra cardio? Well, the biggest thing is I put on weight, and I know we talked about that with regard to cortisol response. That's the biggest thing. My sleep was affected a little bit, not as much as I would have suspected. My appetite, I gotta be honest with you, I don't remember it being Much greater because the intensity of the workout wasn't tremendous. Mhmm. But I also tracked how long I rode and tried to get enough calories to support that. Yeah. So you had some Information about yourself. Mhmm. Yeah. Actually, next week, we're gonna talk all about cortisol, so bring that story back in next week, and we'll talk about cortisol again. And and the reason why I add cardio last is because we're trying to, like, rewire our brains on the diet culture of eat less, exercise more. And, I just wanna show you another way of doing fitness and then just sprinkle in the cardio instead of relying as a main dish. That's all. Yeah. And, I mean, I gotta be honest, there are there have been times where I was feeling really good where that cardio I I did get an, An endorphin like that runner's high, which can that doesn't have to be when you're running. It could be another sport. And I've kind of, I've got some friends that are tennis players and I've asked them, and they play a lot of tennis, and they seem to really enjoy it. And I don't really get into the weeds. It's so much with, you know, the the good or the bad. But, You know, if they're doing that for fun, maybe that's okay for them. I don't I don't play I don't play tennis. I don't play with anything with a ball because my hand eye coordination is so Bad, but, you know, good for them. And I'm I love the fact that they're doing something, that they enjoy. Yeah. So that that's just kind of how I sum it up. I call this the midlife muscle protocol, if you will. But it really to focus on the strength training and the walking and then more rest And then sprinkling your cardio, whatever makes you happy and smile. Yeah. I mean, in the last couple of months, Cam, I'm walking more. And, you know, just as part like, I don't always count it as exercise per se. I know at one time you had said something about If you change if you put on different clothes or, you know, you know, what constitutes exercise versus movement? And at this point, I'm not even sure I need to count the difference other than getting my strength training in. But, like, our habit right now is my husband and I, Before the time change, we walked many nights after dinner and we loved that. And then for some reason, on Monday morning, we get up super early and walk 30 minutes. I don't know why. It's a weird day of the week to start your Monday. Maybe it's because we wanna jump start Monday, but, you know, I I that I found that really helpful. Yeah. Like, 2 to 4 times a week to add 20 minutes of walking has just made a big difference in how I feel. I'm sleeping way better. And it's not even that I'm always walking after dinner, but somehow that extra walking has has helped my sleep. Yeah. So if you're just walking, having conversation, you're not, like, breathless and, like, Sweating, pitting out, then that I would call that more movement than exercise. Yeah. And the only reason why I delineate the 2 is because I don't want people over exercising. And so You have to find your balance, I guess, is, you know, part of the discovery. Sure. You know, it's funny because, my daughter I think both of my daughters Wear some sort of fitness watch. I don't know if it's Apple or or whatever. And when my older daughter walked we were walking, when she was home for Thanksgiving, and she got back Oh, mom. We walked in whatever the time was. It was pretty fast, and she's not real tall. So we were just moving along. And I was sweating like, It was cold, and we had on coats, but I was still sweating under all of that. And but she was proud of us. She was like, we really worked hard. Yeah. That's how it is when I walk with Dan. He's got his stuff on and he's tracking with his phone and his watch and yeah. And I would fall that would fall more into exercise. Size. And so I'm mindful if I'm going with him and he's in that mode, not the after dinner mode, but, like, I'm walking for exercise mode, I I just have to be aware. Like, where's my energy? Right. And I think that's a really good point. Right? Like, because if you've had a stressful Full day or a long day or you didn't sleep well, maybe even that might be too much. I don't know. Like, I think the rules are so different and we have to be Respectful because I push those boundaries in my especially my thirties and my forties somewhat too. It was crazy. I was crazy person. Me too. We did it, and we're just trying to help you out now in our fifties. Yeah. Absolutely. So, you know, When you when you think about what 2024 might hold, I hope you'll really look to see who you are first And be that person be that person you wanna be and then plan out the activity so that, it achieves that. Yeah. And just enjoy the journey because the destination is always a moving target. A 100%. I love it. Thanks for listening today. You can find us on Instagram at midlife.. For all of our other contact info, check out the show description below, and we will talk to you next week.

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